Q&A With Writer Julie Weinberg on W³ Sidecar

tumblr_inline_mu1vtfr5XZ1rt8j7yExcerpt:"What do you find most challenging about writing?Everyday distractions seem to eat away at more of my writing time than anything else. I sit down every day with the good intention of not leaving my office until I’ve written ten really provocative, plot advancing, funny and captivating pages. And then the dryer end-of-cycle bell dings or the mail comes or I remember brownies need to be made for teacher appreciation day…it seems like I just sit down to write when it’s 5:00PM and time to open a bottle of wine and relax. Staying focused and making the writing of those ten pages a higher priority than folding laundry or paying bills is something I constantly battle."For the full Q&A, click here: w3sidecar.tumblr.com


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