Berkeleysite Sit List features the Bay Area Book Festival in “Literature Live Around the World”

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

One good thing about the digital lifestyle is the opportunity to connect different parts of the world together at the same time. “Literature Live Around the World,” a 12-hour festival conducted online, brings together notable literary festivals from 12 nations, like the United States, India, Nigeria, Argentina, and Jamaica. Each country will present a one-hour segment that showcases the region’s literary scene and prominent authors. None other than the Bay Area Book Fest will represent the U.S. Award-winning authors Dave Eggers and Vendela Vida will present “Books, magazines, and pirate stores: writing and activism in California and beyond.” Come cheer on the the Bay Area’s own in this diverse literary fest. Friday, Feb. 12 from 12-1 p.m.

For the full article, click here.


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