Aria Cunningham’s Valentine’s Day Picks on Shelf Pleasure

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000037_00032]Excerpt:"Archaeologist, author, and self-proclaimed “History Geek,” Aria Cunningham’s debut novel The Princess of Sparta hits shelves this April. When not dreaming about sword-wielding, heroic men, she’s reading about them…What’s on my nightstand this Valentine’s Day?  I use books to escape reality, to give me a glimpse into other worlds far removed from my humdrum life. Hand me a tale about powerful love that transcends all obstacles to change the fate of the world. Give me epic storytelling with tragic endings, and I’ll disappear into the pages.  You know the type—where men are noble and women captivate your heart and soul. Surprisingly, they aren’t all fiction…Here’s a partial list of the greatest love stories across time..."For Aria's list, click here:


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