Author Barbara McNally Discusses Wounded Warriors on HuffPost Women


55d25b2814000014002e3208Excerpt:"The first days and weeks after a Wounded Warrior’s return are a whirlwind of fear, confusion, stress, and life-altering decisions for all family members. The months that follow are typically packed with physical therapy, adjustment to prosthetics or wheelchairs, and a scramble to get back to normal life. Finally, after the dust has cleared and both husband and wife have settled into their new roles and routines, the landscape of their new life together finally becomes clear: They know how to talk to the kids, who will be going back to work, what the family finances look like, and, eventually, what shape their sex life will take from now on. And since thousands of veterans are returning home with genitourinary (GU) wounds, couples often find their intimate interactions forever altered."To read the article, click here:


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