Author Q&A: Belo Cipriani, “Blind: A Memoir” on Write On Online

B.Cipriani_ApprovedExcerpt:"What inspired you to write your memoir: Blind?When I lost my sight, I sought comfort in literature and found some great memoirs about blind people. Nonetheless, individuals who were born blind authored many of the books I read; this left me with many unanswered questions. For that reason, I focused my memoir on the assimilation period, which took place in the two years following the assault. I purposely wrote short chapters to walk sighted people through different aspects of learning to do things when a person loses their sight. I think that people with vision are most curious about how the blind deal with mundane tasks. Therefore, I focus on topics such as cooking, grooming, learning Braille, getting a guide dog, and dating."For the full Q&A, click here:


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