Bookish Elf Interview with Hello!Lucky sisters Sabrina and Eunice Moyle
TBE: Your illustrations are vibrant and full of delightful details. Can you walk us through your creative process for developing the visual style of the Cosmic Adventures series?
Eunice Moyle: The style was initially inspired by a birthday card I designed featuring a unicorn in space, but the overall look is really a mash up of being a child of the 70’s and 80’s (Buck Rogers! Rainbows! Roller Skates!), Japanese and Korean pop aesthetics, and just kid vibes in general. A lot of the physical comedy of Astrid & Stella is pulled from memories of my childhood and/or my kids who I find inherently amusing. Additionally, my daughter is an avid artist herself and I’ve had her help me design elements such as a Minecraft style game environment or the uniforms for a pug army (coming up in the next book!). I love incorporating her ideas and naturally hilarious perspective into our comics.
Read the full interview here.