Bruce Holbert Guest Posts on Largehearted Boy

18668218Excerpt:"In his own words, here is Bruce Holbert's Book Notes music playlist for his memoir, The Hour of Lead:The Hour of Lead is my second novel, but I worked on it off and on for several years. The book takes place in eastern Washington state from 1918 to 1978. To a large extent it is a story of the isolation inherent in the miles between people in a still unsettled place and the stories we tell ourselves, even now, that keep us miles apart even if we are in the same room. It's a distance that turns people strange and sometimes mean, and sometimes people in such a place can love each other despite such spaces between them. Perfect fodder, it turns out, for the music I woke up to every morning playing on the hi-fi while my dad got ready for work and a few others I collected along the way."For the full post, click here:


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