Cosmo Interview with Anna David

Excerpt from Cosmo interview Anna David about her new memoir Falling For Me:5 Things I Learned from Helen Gurley BrownAnna David’s love life was in a rut when she stumbled across Sex & The Single Girl, the iconic tome written almost 50 years ago by former Cosmo editor-in-chief Helen Gurley Brown. We caught up with Anna to talk about the lessons she got from HGB that led her to write her new book, Falling for Me: How I Hung Curtains, Learned to Cook, Traveled to Seville, and Fell in Love.Lesson 1: Get a fab apartment“A chic apartment can tell the world that you, for one, are not one of those miserable, pitiful single creatures.” —Sex and the Single GirlWith the help of a design-savvy friend, Anna got the bachelorette pad she deserved. “I always assumed that I would decorate my apartment when I got married and we picked out a china pattern together. It has never occurred to me to make the space beautiful just for me. But suddenly I realized, I’m an adult and I’m going to have an adult apartment! The main lesson I got from Helen was to get rid of the clutter and then find pieces that work for your space. The last things I bought were two Lucite bookshelves and as soon as I put them in I realized, this is my adult apartment!”To read the full dating chat post, visit: 


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