Creative Loafing interviews Eric Berkowitz on Sex & Punishment

Here is an excerpt from the interview:“In ancient Greece, the husband of a cheating wife could shame his rival by shoving spikey fish and radishes up the offender's ass. In the Middle Ages, impotence was one of the few allowable reasons for divorce. Throughout history a common punishment for rapists was for them to marry their victims.While reading about the evolution of sex laws in Sex and Punishment: Four Thousand Years of Judging Desire modern audiences will be shocked by what our predecessors considered legal and illegal, as well as how these "deviant" sex acts were punished. However, in examining the past, it is easy to imagine future generations judging us for our peculiar views on sex: from our public ridicule of politicians caught in sex scandals to our definition of man-on-man sex as exclusively a homosexual practice. Journalist and lawyer, Eric Berkowitz, explains what the history of sex laws he chronicles in Sex and Punishment says about us and our society, both past and present..”For the full article, visit: 


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