Erin Byrne wins Second Prize for "Storykeepers" in the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Short Story Contest

tumblr_inline_msm57wtbJd1qz4rgpExcerpt:"This intriguing account of Paris present-day and Paris war-time harks back to the terrifying days when the Nazis controlled that city and many Parisians risked death and torture by covertly joining the Résistance. The author's main concern here is with the Parisians who placed their lives on the line by sheltering and assisting American pilots who'd been forced to crash-land and had so far escaped capture (or re-capture). The story is so detailed and so intriguingly observant, it obviously springs from real life. The characters are cleverly individualized. They are flesh and blood. They come across as vividly real people as a result of the author's inspired way of contrasting her heroes and heroines of the Résistance, both as they were back in the days of the early 1940s and as they are today."For the full judges' comments, click here:


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