Excerpt of The Cause, by Roderick Vincent on TNB Fiction

thecauseExcerpt:"Chapter Four“Sure the fight was fixed. I fixed it with a right hand.”  -George ForemanSeee’s chest was scared. Jagged lacerations. Cigarette burns. Near the ribs there were a couple of patchy bullet wounds. Tribal scars were scraped into his biceps, crisscrossing patterns, tic-tac-toe where the scratches seemed to be etched out with a sharp rock or arrowhead. His hands were callused, dirt scratched into his fingernails. Part of his pectoral was cut out, a teaspoon lump of flesh removed. He stuck his finger in the hole and when he removed it, a black ant crawled up his finger before he sucked it off the back of his hand."To read the full excerpt and to buy vape online, click here: thenervousbreakdown.com


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