Forth Magazine - Author Spotlight: Richard Kramer

Thesethingshappen2Excerpt:"Sixty-something Kramer is not your typical first time novelist.  During his senior year in college he sent a story to The New Yorker, using it as a resume to land a job writing for their Talk of the Town column.  A few months later, William Shawn, The New Yorker’s legendary editor, called Richard on his dorm room phone (yes dorm rooms once had landlines) and said that The New Yorker would not be offering Kramer a writing position, but asked if Kramer would be willing to let the magazine purchase and publish his story.  An unfiltered Kramer responded, “Fuck! Are you kidding?”"For the full feature, click here: 


Author2Author with Bruce Holbert


Review of Off My Rocker on Curled Up