Guest Author: Lydia Crichton on Bookingly Yours

_MG_4652Excerpt:"Who hasn’t dreamed of the ancient Egyptian Pyramids? Of the dazzling treasures of Tutankhamun’s tomb? Of cruising the Nile on a sumptuous barge with Cleopatra’s court? I sure have. From a young age the images of slender, graceful people in gossamer linen garb bedecked with exotic jewels fired my imagination. How had these people achieved so much—in architecture, literature, agriculture—and managed to maintain their advanced civilization for thousands of years? By the time Mysteries of Egypt, an IMAX film featuring Omar Sharif came along (I saw it at least a dozen times) the die was cast. Sitting beneath domed-screened images of one of the most fascinating civilizations ever known made it clear: to Egypt I must go."For the full guest post, click here:


Lane Heymont Guest Posts on - "Representing Minorities in Your Writing"


Author Q&A: Elan Barnehama, “Finding Bluefield” on Write On Online