Guest post by William Dickerson on Bookingly Yours

Excerpt:"I was 15 years old and there was something inside me, I think, that wanted to pick up where Kurt left off, learn all of his songs and keep his music alive.  There was this ironic sense of community in the early 90’s: every kid felt alienated, but we were alienated together, and the music that filled the air between us was the invisible glue that connected us all.  There was no doubt that the music we listened to back then had an edge, a genuine angst that defined the genre that we, for better or worse, know as “grunge.”  In the years following Cobain’s suicide, many music critics have observed that the lyrics to virtually every song on Nirvana’s final studio album, “In Utero,” read like little suicide notes.  Hindsight is 20/20, I suppose.Suicide is one of the few taboo subjects left in our modern society.  I have been influenced, artistically, by many who have succumbed to it.  I have had people close to me try it as well; some were more successful in the task than others.  Everyone knows someone who has, or knows someone who knows someone who has, but most of these “someones” do not dare talk about it.  I wrote “No Alternative” because I wanted to talk about it."Hyperlink:  


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