Homemaid Simple reviews Coyote Winds by Helen Sedwick

Coyote-Winds-Cover-12.10.12Excerpt:"If you've been following along this blog, you'll know I've mentioned this before - I love history!  My area of study in college was History Education. Although I never finished my degree, I still love learning about history anyway I can. Coyote Winds is a great piece of historical fiction. With almost a side by side comparison as we follow Andy living in the 21st century, and his grandfather adventures during the Dust Bowl. If you're looking for a quick book to read, I would suggest this one. It's a fun adventure, but makes you think about your dreams. Are you living them? Or are you to afraid of disappointment?"For the full review, click here: homemaidsimple.com


Collectors' Corner reviews Lonesome Animals by Bruce Holbert


Author Q&A: Harrison Demchick, “The Listeners”