"If You Could Buy a House Anywhere in the World Just to Write In, Where Would it Be?" This and Many Other Fascinating Questions Answered by Author Silas Dent Zobal for Flavorwire's The Sweetest Debut


flavorwire2On this week's Flavorwire installment of The Sweetest Debut, Silas Dent Zobal, author of The People of the Broken Neck, answers questions about his writing habits, favorite books, and what he wants to be when he grows up.Check out the full interview here: http://flavorwire.com/591045/the-sweetest-debut-silas-dent-zobal-on-writing-25-drafts-of-his-novel-and-reading-morrison-and-mccarthy 


A Conversation with Omnimystery News and Novelist Silas Dent Zobal


"How Does Success and Failure Come Into the Book?" This and More Answered in an Interview with William Luvaas in The Nervous Breakdown