Interview with Bobby Keys in El Paso Times

“Bobby Keys has seen, done and forgotten a lot in his 68 years on earth.He's worked, played and partied with some of rock 'n' roll's most important figures, from sneaking into Buddy Holly's garage rehearsals as a teenager to a 42-year association with the Rolling Stones.Needless to say, he's got enough memories to fill a book, which he finally did with "Every Night's a Saturday Night: The Rock 'n' Roll Life of Legendary Sax Man Bobby Keys," out today from Counterpoint Press of Berkeley, Calif.After one failed attempt at a memoir in the 1980s, which Keys wrote off to a young writer "going for the seamy, excessive, sex, drugs, dark myths and all that jazz," Keys decided 30 years later it was time "to tell a story, my story. I know it better than other people's stories," he said from his Nashville home. "That's what I was shooting for."Read more here:


Interview with Dana Johnson in Publisher's Weekly


Bobby Keys Interview on the Wrap