Interview with Sebastian Gibson on Man of La Book

Excerpt:Q. What made you write a fic­tional satire about US pol­i­tics?A. I can’t imag­ine not writ­ing a satire about pol­i­tics. The things that politi­cians do are hilar­i­ous for the most part. Peo­ple say if it wasn’t so sad, it would be funny. Well, it’s both sad and funny. I don’t think I could read, much less write a dry polit­i­cal book. And yet, by being funny, my book is prob­a­bly more seri­ous than most seri­ous polit­i­cal books.Q. When­ever I look at our cur­rent crop of fear­less lead­ers, I shake my head in dis­may. Is it just me or did the qual­ity of peo­ple run­ning for office has been going down­hill? If so, why do you think that is?A. It cer­tainly seems like it at times, though when you think about the sta­mina it must take on the cam­paign trail, you have to give those glut­tons for pun­ish­ment some credit. I don’t know if any­one has really ever fig­ured out what type of per­son would make the best Pres­i­dent or con­gressper­son. After the Super Bowl com­mer­cial in which Clint East­wood gave a half­time speech to the coun­try, maybe we need an actor again instead of elect­ing pro­fes­sional politicians.I think what both­ers me most about most politi­cians is how they pan­der to the peo­ple they think com­prise their base. Then what both­ers me even more is how their base eats up what­ever they say. If you’re not in their base, you look at the politi­cian and you look at the peo­ple eat­ing up what the politi­cian says and you just have to shake your head. No mat­ter which side of the polit­i­cal spec­trum you’re on, it’s nau­se­at­ing. Give me some­one who can speak hon­estly. Unfor­tu­nately, that per­son will prob­a­bly never be elected or if they are, the sys­tem will cause them to com­pro­mise in order to accom­plish much of any­thing and after they com­pro­mise, peo­ple feel betrayed and want to replace them.For the full interview, visit:


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