Jessica Barksdale Inclán Guest Posts on Bookingly Yours

howtobake-5_5x8_5Excerpt:"This is a story surrounding the “Sugar Cookies” recipe in my new novel, How to Bake a Man, slated for release October 21 by Ghostwood Books.Every time I eat one of my great grandmother’s sugar cookies, I think not of her but of her daughter, Vida, my grandmother. Lest you think this is some nostalgic view, let me be clear that my grandmother was not all kitted socks and hot cocoa. Frankly, she was often sharp, pointed, and downright mean. She had an unnerving way of telling me I looked or was either fat or unkempt. My grandmother was proper to a T, wearing skirts and hose and lipstick to her very last days."For the full post, click here:


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