John Mauk Guest Posts on Writer's Digest: "3 Things Your Novel's Narrator Needs To Accomplish"

field notes for the earthboundExcerpt:"How does a story compete with the real world and all of its lures: air, cell phones, family crises, food, and drink? For me, it all comes down to the narrator, to the storytelling voice. Narrators don’t simply say what happened. They create a reality, a world that readers believe, keep on believing, and want to keep believing. Whether first, second, or third-person, good narrators make fictive worlds real, which takes a lot of persuasive power—more than all the politicians in Congress. And while the list of persuasive elements is long, here are three small but crucial moves, things that narrators do when they most successfully convince us..."For the full guest post, click here:


Review of "It Won't Always Be Great" on Jewlicious


Peter Mehlman at the Gordon Center