Key Tips On What Not To Do When Self Publishing Your Book
Maybe you’ve wanted to write a book ever since you were young. You love writing, and you think that this is the best avenue for you to express your innermost emotions when talking is no longer enough. You feel that you’re at your best when you write. Years have passed, and you still want to impress people with this talent of yours. You think that publishing a book is the best way to go. And since you’re still a newbie in the writing industry, you decide to self publish your book. You know that this would be the easiest way for you to get your book published and for people to notice your talent. This might be the best option for you right now, but it does not always guarantee success. There are also certain things which you should not do.Given that this is your first time self publishing a book, you might not know what to do and not do. You might know how to write great material, but do you know what things to avoid when it comes to publishing? Read on so that you can avoid making the same mistakes other authors have made in the past.1. Don’t take for granted your cover designKeep in mind the quote that goes “don’t judge a book by its cover” because, in reality, people do judge a book by its cover. No one would be interested to read a book when it’s bombarded with simple black texts on a plain white background. Your reader might think that since the cover is already a bore, the content will be too. And don’t expect that people will choose a boring cover compared to the colorful and fun-looking ones whenever these are displayed in a bookstore. You’re still a new author, and you have to make a name for yourself. You don’t want to be known as the dull, black and white author, right? That’s why it’s always a good idea to invest in your cover design and have the professionals do it. Go ahead and inform them of what you want your book to look like but also be open-minded of their suggestions. You might not know that the cover could be key to making your book a stand out among others.2. Don’t forget professional editing
Just because you’re planning to self publish your book doesn’t mean that you have to do everything by yourself – especially when it comes to the editing. Your content might sound exemplary for you, but don’t forget that people, especially your readers, will never have the same outlook as you do. Similar to how you should handle your cover design, it’s best to tap the help of professionals when you want your grammar, spelling, and typos to be checked. Sure, your online application can do this one for you, but you can’t get professional advice regarding your book’s organization and flow from these apps - only a professional editor can give one to you. Consider hiring one when you’re done editing the book yourself. It might entail cost from you, but will be worth it.3. Don’t write a sloppy book descriptionYour book description might only come in a few sentences, but sometimes, this is all you need to attract people to buy your book. Remember that this description will be seen in bookstores and online platforms (if ever you decide to sell your book online) and will be read by a lot of people. This is probably your easiest and cheapest strategy to grab hold of people’s attention and convince them to purchase your book, so make sure that your description is written perfectly. You can do it yourself or have a professional write it for you; it’s your choice.4. Don’t rush into publishingIt’s been your lifetime dream to write and publish a book with your name in the front page as its author. You might have been waiting years for this to become a reality but it’s still not reason enough for you to rush things. If you consider publishing a book as a race, you’re doing it all wrong. The process involves a lot of waiting, reading and editing. And none of these should be compromised. You want to create a spectacular book which captures readers’ interest and not just publish a book just for the sake of publishing one. Remember that quality will always take time, and so should your book.Self publishing a book is never an easy road to take because there are a lot of things to consider. Successfully publishing a book requires a lot of your time and effort. You might even leave out important aspects of your life just to focus on your book. It’s difficult, but it’s not impossible to accomplish. With the simple tips presented in this article, you’ll know better which things to avoid when you self publish your book. Although very simple tips, all of these will greatly help you make that lifelong dream of yours become a reality!Sarah Robinson
Sarah is a passionate writer and advocate for donating stories to the less fortunate. She currently works for and enjoys reading her favorite novels in her pastime. She has a loving and very supportive family and enjoys visiting book signing events whenever she can.