Lucille Lang Day: The TNB Self-Interview

Excerpt:Why did you get married at fourteen?Because no one proposed when I was twelve or thirteen. Seriously, my mother was emotionally abusive. She’d also been physically abusive until I was ten, and I wanted to get away from her. She was not a bad person or a crazy person, and I don’t believe she was fully aware either of what she was doing or of how it was affecting me, but by the time I reached adolescence, I found it unacceptable to continue living with her, and I thought I could get away from her and make my life right by falling in love and getting married. Of course, I ended up in another troubled, problematic situation from which I also had to escape.To read the full self-interview, click here:


Gemini Adams' "The Facebook Diet" featured in Caught in the Net: Social Media Addiction


Review of The Facebook Diet by Gemini Adams