Lydia Crichton guest posts on Sheila Deeth

_MG_4652Excerpt:"Egypt in revolution is a dangerous place, especially for women. Although I experienced unsettling moments during my travels there a few years ago, I did feel safe most of the time. My first trip to the Land of the Pharaohs in 2002 fulfilled a long-time dream: to explore an ancient land of mystery, rich with centuries of a glorious past. Admittedly, the stark contrast of contemporary life in a patriarchal society under the thumb of a decades-old authoritarian government struck a jarring note. One aspect of the harsh practices of that heavy-handed regime, however, made my travels easier, even if not fully appreciated at the time. Crime was not tolerated, and severely punished. Armed guards were everywhere—hotels, museums, sites of antiquity—there to protect tourists and the essential revenue they brought to the Egyptian economy."For the full post, click here:


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