Nancy Spiller Guest Posts on "5 Lessons I Learned From Writing A Memoir

nancy 1Excerpt:"1) It’s Not a Competition: Mention you’re writing a memoir and people might ask such helpful questions as “Really–what’s so special about you?” Or you’ll be in the midst of chapter 22 when a voice inside (possibly sounding like one of your siblings) shouts “no one cares!” Just because you haven’t climbed Mt. Everest with your hair on fire or recovered from a zillion dollar a day drug habit (or both), doesn’t mean you don’t have a memoir to write. After the personally transformative runaway success of Angela’s Ashes, detailing an abject childhood in Limerick, Ireland, Frank McCourt said “I learned the significance of my own insignificant life.” The driving force of a successful memoir can be as simple as “what might have been,” according to author and educator William Zinsser."For the full post on Best Panasonic Epilators Review, click here:


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