“Narrative Neediness: A Conversation With Silas Dent Zobal” By J. D. Schraffenberger


J.D. Schraffenberger interviews debut novelist Silas Dent Zobal, asking thought-provoking questions like: "Your descriptions of land and landscape, specifically trees and water, are prominent in this novel. They don’t fade into the background but feel essential. Elsewhere you’ve referred to Eudora Welty’s essay “Place in Fiction,” in which she writes, “Place absorbs our earliest notice and attention, it bestows on us our original awareness; and our critical powers spring up from the study of it and the growth of experience inside it.” As a writer, how do you think about—or even through—place?"Read the full interview here: https://northamericanreview.org/%E2%80%9Cnarrative-neediness-conversation-silas-dent-zobal%E2%80%9D-j-d-schraffenberger


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