Phyllis Hain on Internet Talk Radio: Addicted to Addicts - Survival 101

18160710Blurb:How often do we find a connection between alcoholism/addiction and abuse? This week Denise interviews Phyllis Hain, a U.S.Navy Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) and a Family Advocacy Educator at the Pensacola Air Force Base where she served foe over 21 years. Phyllis recently wrote her autobiography, “Diamond in the Dark: Leaving the Shadow of Abuse” and has a lot of personal experience related to the topic of abuse.During this interview Denise asks Phyllis about some of the ways we can help prevent abuse, help victims to get support and care, as well as how to become aware of signs of abuse. Do we act when we know? What kind of actions can we take? Phyllis shares some resources on her website as well as gives us a phone number all of us can use if needed, theNational Abuse Hotline 1-800-96-ABUSE. Check out Phyliss’ story and resources and please use these resources if you need them and share them with others you know who might need them. There is help. There is hope.To listen to the full audio of the interview, click here:


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