Rolling Stones sax man Bobby Keys lets it bleed in new book

 "People still argue: Who was the "fifth Beatle"? Was it manager Brian Epstein? Producer George Martin? New York disc jockey Murray the K? Or Pete Best, Stu Sutcliffe or Billy Preston?I just finished Bobby Keys' rollicking memoir, "Every Night's a Saturday Night," and I came to this conclusion: Bobby Keys is the "American Rolling Stone."It's not a tell-all, but it doesn't pull any punches. It's laugh-out-loud funny, but it doesn't take cheap shots. It's searingly honest, especially when Keys takes on his own prodigious foolishness.Keys grew up in the West Texas shadow of Buddy Holly. He was a 15-year-old fledgling sax player who played with the Crickets after Holly's plane went down. Keys grew up listening to Little Richard, Roy Orbison and fellow horn player King Curtis."Hyperlink:


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