Sex and Punishment review on California Lawyer

Excerpt:"The history of Western civilization isn't just a saga of the rise and fall of great empires and nation-states, as many of us were instructed in freshman survey classes. It's also, as San Francisco attorney and writer Eric Berkowitz reminds us in this fascinating volume, a history of sex, or more particularly a history of law and how sex has been regulated, promoted, celebrated, and perhaps most of all, punished over time." -- California LawyerWhen an individual is injured in an accident that was not their fault, their job should be to heal and get better. It is not to deal with insurance companies, or try to put a personal injury claim together, when they have never had to do it before. Without legal knowledge, an individual may not be able to properly file their personal injury claim. If an individual instead of a tries to represent themselves, the insurance company will not perceive the individual as a threat to them.For the full review, click here:


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