Special Giveaway Contest of Half In Love

In celebration of the paperback release of Half In Love (Counterpoint/January 2012), Linda Gray Sexton will be sponsoring a giveaway contest of ten books. Starting Monday, December 5th, out of the first thirty people who join the reader board on her website (http://lindagraysexton.com/blog/forums/) to share their stories, thoughts, experiences or questions on depression, suicide, grief, loss and love, ten will be randomly selected to receive a signed copy of the book.  (It can be personalized if the winner wishes.) For those winners who belong to a book club, the author will also offer the opportunity for a club event, either over Skype, or face to face, depending on vicinity. This is an opportunity to share in a supportive community of those have opened their world and themselves as a way of finding both illumination and healing, and to connect with Linda Gray Sexton on her very personal and brave journey in Half in Love.About Linda Gray Sexton:Linda Gray Sexton is the daughter of the Pulitzer Prize winning poet, Anne Sexton, and has edited several books of her mother's poetry and a book of her mother's letters. A graduate of Harvard University, Linda has published several widely acclaimed novels as well as two memoirs about her life and relationship with her mother, Searching for Mercy Street: My Journey Back To My Mother, and her most recent work, Half in Love: Surviving the Legacy of Suicide.Searching for Mercy Street was named a New York Times Book Review Notable Book and reviewed to overwhelming critical acclaim. Linda Sexton speaks about suicide, depression, and recovery at book clubs, support groups, hospitals, and medical conferences around the country. For more info, visit http://www.lindagraysexton.com/Read Linda's blog post about the contest: http://lindagraysexton.com/blog/a-contest-a-contest/For questions or more info, please email julia@juliadrakepr.com


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