The Facebook Diet featured on Huff Post Tech

The Facebook DietExcerpt:"Adams herself was addicted to Facebook.A native of England, she was following her friends and family's lives back home, while living in a major U.S. city, Los Angeles."As is often the case in major cities these days, it's a very transient place. Three-quarters of my social group moved away for various reasons, and I found myself alone," she said.She got more and more into Facebook to stay up-to-date with friends who weren't close geographically. She said she would have it on the screen often, "dipping in and out pretty much all day long."One day, she had a major realization. She was spending way too much time on Facebook. It was sucking up her freedom and that made her feel uncomfortable. She wasn't going out to make new friends, in the physical world, to fill the void for the ones who left."To read the full Pure Garcinia Cambogia article, click here:


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