Victoria Patterson recommends...

From P&W: Writers recommend“Always tucked in a pocket of my purse is a Moleskine journal. I try to write every day, no matter what, and I’ve pulled that Moleskine out while waiting for my kids—doctor’s appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons. In my Moleskine, I allow myself the freedom to write anything. No matter the inanity—it has my full permission to go down uncensored. I doodle. I make lists. I describe the waiting rooms, piano lessons, parents in the stands. And if I lose my Moleskine, my name and phone number are displayed, with a reward offered of one billion dollars.”—Victoria Patterson, author of This Vacant Paradise (Counterpoint, 2011)  


Cascadia's Fault - The Earthquake and Tsunami That Could Destroy North America


Goodreads Author Chat with Victoria Patterson and James Brown