Vromans' Blog Interview with Victoria Patterson

A Pasadena local, Victoria Patterson has spent a lot of time at Vromans Bookstore. In an interview with Vromans Blog she talks about her new critically acclaimed novel THIS VACANT PARADISE and the many hours she spent at Vromans to finish it.  Here's an excerpt:"Tell me about your history with Vroman’s?I have quite a history with Vroman’s.  It’s still where I get my books, and I’ve taken my boys to Vroman’s since they were born. In fact, I used to come to Vroman’s coffee shop and write while my kids were at church daycare.  And I wrote there often.  This is when my kids were very young, and I was desperate for time to write.  I wrote an essay about it: you can read it here.When Drift’s publication date arrived, I went to Vroman’s to buy my book.  I went alone.  I can’t tell you the feeling: walking into Vroman’s and seeing my book.  I will never forget it.  After I bought Drift, I went to the coffee shop where I used to write to show the workers, and they were all happy for me because they knew me.  One of the customers overheard us and asked me, “Did it take you a long time to write it?”  Before I answered, one of the employees said, “Oh yes!  It took her forever.  She was always in here–writing, writing.  It took her a very, very long time.”Don't miss Victoria Patterson's joint reading with James Brown at Vromans Bookstore in Pasadena tomorrow, Thursday, March 24, 7 pm. Food and drink will be served!


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