Wilbound's Weekly Breeze 10/31/19


Should bookstore charge tickets for entry...?

We all probably know the feeling of being in a bookstore and finding the perfect next read, and then, on the way to the register, a funny thing happens. We google how much the book costs on Amazon, and well...that's how the story goes. This New Yorker article looks at whether bookstores should start charging an entry fee.

California bookstores fight the fires...

Publishers Weekly is looking at the horrible situation and the challenges faced by bookstores to keep their doors open amid power outages and destruction.

The best book covers of October...

Lithub published its 10 best book covers for October. None of them are orange. But are they really that good? What say you...?


The birthplace of Halloween is Ireland. Halloween likely evolved from the ancient Celtic celebration of Samhain, which in very ancient days was a ritualistic festival that honored the pagan gods of the harvest.

Book Promotion Tip

Instead of handing out candy to trick or treaters, hand out your book, or hand out your book with candy, or even better, make a candy out of your book!

Book Trailer of the Week

This week's pick is A Child of Books by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston. Why it works? Beautiful animation and cute kids always work.


This week's challenge is to write a story about your stickiest Halloween experience (500 words).

Email your list to info@wildboundpr.com. The winner will be announced in next week's Weekly Breeze!

Write on. Get scary!

The Wildbound PR Team


Historical Novel Society reviews How Beautiful They Were by Boston Teran


The New York Post Gives a Shout Out to Peter Mehlman's #MeAsWell