Wildbound Breeze 3/16/18


BOOK INDUSTRY NEWS28 Publishers Looking for Young Adult Books...Authors Publish compiled a list of publishers who are currently looking for YA books. You got one in the closet? Get it out, dust it off, and send!Don't Let Rejection Get To You...In an interview in the Chicago Tribune Madeleine L'Engle shares how much she struggled with the rejections she received for A Wrinkle In Time, now a major motion picture. Another example of the publishing industry's blindness to brilliance, which includes a number of classics, like The Chronicles of Narnia, Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle BookThe Tale of Peter Rabbit and Anne of Green Gables. So take heart and believe in your chops, writers!To Finish or Not To Finish Every Book...You've been there: 10, or 20 or even 30 pages into a book, you realize it doesn't deliver. Now what to do? Just leave the story hanging in Never Never Land, loose threads dangling like ripped off insect limbs, or do you muscle your way through it, so you can honor the author's time and sweat and pat yourself on the back to say, "I crossed the finish line?" Bustle has some answers.
USELESS FACT TO IMPRESS YOUR FRIEND(S)The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.
BOOK PROMOTION TIPRead this article by Fauzia Burke to maximize your Goodreads following.
WEEKLY $10 GIVEAWAYThis Week's Writing Challenge is to write a 250-500 word story on this prompt: "You run after someone who left a strange book on the bus and they go into a house. Through the window you see…"Please email your story to info@wildboundpr.com. The winner will be announced in next week's Weekly Breeze! 


Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 3/22/18


Tim DeRoche Talks with KPCC's Alex Cohen About His LA Reboot of Huckleberry Finn