Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 08/30/18
BOOK INDUSTRY NEWSWhat To Expect When You're Expecting ... Expectations will kill you, particularly if you're awaiting the publication of your first book. Brooke Warner of She Writes Press has some great advice for you in Publishers Weekly. Inky Helps You Find Your Next Book ...Inky...? Sounds like a nickname for an octopus. But it's also a new app, created by two recent college graduates, that promises to help you find your next read. Unless Inky gets eaten by Amazon's Goodreads. Yum...Cnet.com has more info.Barnes & Noble Labor Day Sale ...Barnes & Noble is celebrating the end of summer with a Book Haul Blowout—slashing book prices by 50 percent. And not just paperback, but hardcover bestsellers from the past few years. Real Simple listed the books you shouldn't miss adding to your cart to make it through the winter.
USELESS FACT TO IMPRESS YOUR FRIEND(S)Labor Day is considered the end of hot dog season, according to the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council.
Book Promotion TipReview your author bio on your website, Amazon and social media. Does it zing? Does it sound like a laundry list of accomplishments starting with your first spelling bee or does it sound like a real human being you actually want to connect with? Is it appropriate for each platform or too long, too short, too wordy? Spend five minutes thinking about how you could improve it and then JUST DO IT!
Book Trailer of the WeekThis week's pick is Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls.
WEEKLY $10 GIVEAWAYThis Week's Writing Challenge is to write what you did on Labor Day in 3 sentences and make us jealous. Email your piece to info@wildboundpr.com. The winner will be announced in next week's Weekly Breeze!Congrats to Karin Mader for winning last week's challenge of writing a caption to the picture below: "It's not what you think, mom..."