Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 5/23/18


BOOK INDUSTRY NEWSIndie eBook Sales Are On The Rise...Yes, yes we know, for every article cheering "ebook sales are up," another complains that "ebook sales are down." So which is it? Well, the bad news is ebook sales for traditionally published books are down, but ebook sales for indie authors are taking off. Get the details on Geekwire.The Perfect Book Box Delivered to Your Front Door...Book subscription services can be a great way to discover new books. The Washington Post sampled the top book subscription services for you to check out. From the Introverts Retreat to the Culture Carton to My Lit Box, readers will be sure to find the perfect match.A Tribute to Philip Roth...Philip Roth, one of the 20th century's greatest novelists died this Monday at 85. He's lived quite a life, so if you've not had a chance to read his books, Esquire put together a must-read list for you.
USELESS FACT TO IMPRESS YOUR FRIEND(S)In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
BOOK PROMOTION TIPIf you are an indie author looking to get your book into brick and mortar stores, check out Dartfrog Books, a new company that places self-published books into bookstores on a specially branded Dartfrog shelf space. You can either submit and hope your book gets selected, or you can opt for guaranteed placement. Check out their website for more info.
WEEKLY $10 GIVEAWAYThis Week's Writing Challenge is to write a poem about what you love about summer. 500 words max.Email your gem to info@wildboundpr.com. The winner will be announced in next week's Weekly Breeze!Also a shout-out to Kelly Durham who responded to last week's dare that "No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple." Kelly disagreed and offered:Roses are redViolets are purpleCoca-Cola makes me burple.


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