Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 5/31/18


BOOK INDUSTRY NEWSSilence As The Key to Networking...Most writers dread it. That networking thing. Take heart. In her recent Publishers Weekly Booklife article, publishing guru Jane Friedman noted, "By remaining quiet in a room full of people talking, and then offering a sharp observation, it increased my presence and influence. Sometimes people listen more carefully when you do finally speak, or they attribute meaning that isn’t there to acts of silence."Don't We Already Live in Dystopia?In her Slate article, Claire North tries to define the changing genre and definition of "Dystopia." Or as the Nation summed it up: “With the election of an uber-narcissist incapable of distinguishing between fact and fantasy, all the dystopian nightmares that had gathered like storm clouds on the horizon—nuclear war, climate change, a clash of civilizations—suddenly moved overhead." As fact and fiction collide, so does our cultural understanding of dystopia.10 Reasons to Delete Your Social Media Accounts NOW...Yikes! This Guardian article about Right Now, a new book by Jaron Lanier, an American computer philosophy writer and computer scientist, makes a few compelling and scary arguments as to why we should pull the plug on social media.
USELESS FACT TO IMPRESS YOUR FRIEND(S)Women manage the money and pay the bills in 75% of all Americans households.
BOOK PROMOTION TIPEvery writer knows that it pays off to have a couple of your books in the trunk, but think about it in an even broader context. Take your book on the road if you're going on vacation this summer. Sometimes being in a different place helps make friends and think out of the box. Go with an open mind and see where it leads.
WEEKLY $10 GIVEAWAYThis Week's Writing Challenge is to go outside and take a notepad and find a spot somewhere you've never sat and then freewrite for 5-15 minutes. Email your piece to info@wildboundpr.com. The winner will be announced in next week's Weekly Breeze!The winner of last week's writing challenge -  a poem about what you love about summer - Maureen Horvath and here's her poem:Summer VoicePerspiration prickled up on her skin,warm trade winds cooled her glow.Summer's energy beat down with the sun andbreezes thru the palms gave the trees a voice.Thanks Maureen! We'll be in touch to send you your moolah.


Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 6/7/18


Exclusive Interview with Acclaimed Author Boston Teran in Writer's Digest