Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 6/13/19


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Harlequin is Romancing the World of TV & Film...

In a move to bring its content to more screens, Harlequin has launched Harlequin Studios to expand the reach and breadth of their author franchises beyond the book market. Hollywood watch out, the publishing industry is on to you...read more in Publishers Weekly.

Barnes & Noble has finally caved...

It was just a matter of time. Last Friday, B&N was acquired by Elliott Management and, in a twist, will likely become a national chain with a business model more akin to that of a local bookstore. Read more in the Washington Post.

Does reading fiction make us better people...?

A recent article on BBC.com breaks down the research of whether reading novels causes people to develop more empathy and social skills, and in turn, makes them better human beings. The biggest challenge to the research seems to be that most people lie about how many books they've read...


It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

Book Promotion Tip

If you are a prolific author with a back list, consider selling your books as a bundle or box set. If you have a series for example, include the first two or three books in a box set to promote the new book in the series at full-price. This can be a great way to hook readers and get them invested in your characters.

Book Trailer of the Week

This week's pick is I'm Fine and Neither Are You by Camille Pagan. Why it works? It's super short, edgy, and fun.


Last week Loren Stephens took the prize for her heart-felt piece based on the writing prompt: My biggest fantasy is...You can read her story here.

This Week's Writing Challenge is to send us a snapshot of something that strikes your fancy this week along with a pithy one liner.

Email your piece to info@wildboundpr.com. The winner will be announced in next week's Weekly Breeze!

Write on.

The Wildbound PR Team


Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 6/20/19


Writer's Digest features a guest article by Frank Strausser