Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 8/22/19



Why Publishers Now Demonize Libraries Instead of Amazon...

Publishers have recently moved from warring against Amazon to warring against libraries. Why? They say that Library eBook lending has become so excessive, it depresses consumer e-book sales and author payouts. Libraries on the other hand say that publishers are sabotaging them and undermining the purpose and mission of libraries to serve the community. Check out Publishers Weekly for more.

Sally Rooney's sensuous lips...

In her recent article in The Atlantic, journalist Helen Lewis examines the struggles many female authors face to be taken seriously and why "a male novelist is primarily a novelist. Nobody talks about his gender. But a woman novelist is primarily a woman.”

Looking for a fast and easy way to showcase your book ...?

In case you've missed it, engaging images and video featuring your book are not only all the rage, but essential for getting readers' attention on social media, particularly when building a following on Instagram. Check out Bookbrush. It features several simple tools authors can use to create over 200 professional, real-life images featuring their book in minutes. Just upload your book cover, click submit and have all of the selected images in a Zip folder.


Jack Kerouac never learned to drive.

Book Promotion Tip

This is a follow-up to our suggestion on checking out Bookbrush. Instagram accounts focusing on books or rather, Bookstagram accounts are becoming more popular which means that reaching out to influential Bookstagrammers to feature your book is another way to increase your visibility.

Book Trailer of the Week

This week's pick is The Furious Way by Aaron Phillip Clark. Why it works? The premise is simple, yet powerful.


This Week's Writing Challenge is to write a 500 word story about a writer with a very unusual method for overcoming writer's block.

Email your list to info@wildboundpr.com. The winner will be announced in next week's Weekly Breeze!

Write on.

The Wildbound PR Team


Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 8/29/19


Foreword Reviews reviews The Trouble with Becoming a Witch by Amy Edwards