Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 9/11/19


Amazon did it again – the fight over audiobooks...

It seems that just when one battle is settled, Amazon picks a new one. Publishers are now fighting with Amazon's Audible over its newly announced Audiobook Captioning Feature which allows listeners to read along with their audiobook. Who is right? Forbes has the scoop.

What does a literary agent actually do for you...?

Yeah, yeah, everyone tells you that you need a literary agent for your book. But no one really talks about what they will actually do for you. Read this article to determine if you need one.

Why Stephen King is scared of his 61st novel...

The master of horror is scared of life imitating his art. Read more in this New York Times interview.


Your fingernails grow faster on your dominant hand.

Book Promotion Tip

Not getting anywhere with your blog posts? Particularly when you're just starting out, leveraging a platform like Medium to repost your blog posts can really help you reach a bigger audience.

Book Trailer of the Week

This week's pick is Little Libraries, Big Heroes by Miranda Paul and John Parra. Why it works? Who doesn't like the sound of a cute little girl talking about books?


First off, our bad! The link to "The Overcoming," the winning story by Barbara Thompson in the Breeze 8/29/19, was faulty, so please use this new link to enjoy Barbara's unusual story of overcoming writer's block.

This week's challenge is to write a story (500 word max) on an exotic animal you’d like to have as a pet.

Email your list to info@wildboundpr.com. The winner will be announced in next week's Weekly Breeze!

Write on.

The Wildbound PR Team


Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 9/19/19


Wildbound's Weekly Breeze 8/29/19